Find Real Hope Here!

Friendship Baptist Church

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There are many beliefs in our world...but there is only ONE way to be saved!


SUNDAY SCHOOL @ 9:00a.m.

SUNDAY WORSHIP @ 10:00a.m.:     Worship in Sanctuary; FACEBOOK LIVE on Pastor Jim's page ("Jim Fontaine")

THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY:     7:00p.m. in the Sanctuary

H.O.P.E. (Hearts of Prayer & Encouragement) WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP:     10:00a.m. on 2nd Saturday of the month in the Annex

MEN'S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST:     first Saturday of each month. 

Nobody really  likes it when the Bible tells us, "...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..." (Romans 3: 23). We don't like it because it confronts the reality that no one is born good.

No one can get to heaven on their own because of that truth.

No good works and no well-lived life will get us into heaven.

Neither will any other "religion" get you into heaven.

And we can't plead our case to God after we die.

The simple truth is this: we can't get to heaven on our own...each person

is in desperate need of a Savior!

     Here at Friendship Baptist Church, you will hear about that Savior...and His Name is Jesus Christ! We preach the Good News that Jesus is the co-eternal, divine Son of God who came to earth in fully human form; we preach that Jesus died on the Cross to pay the penalty for your sin and mine and for the sins of the whole world; we preach that He rose again from the dead on the third day, proving who He is and showing His mastery over sin and death; and we preach that eternal life is available for anyone who repents (turns away from) their sins and turns away from their sinful lifestyle and then believes and trusts in the Name of Jesus alone for salvation and the forgiveness of sin. That is the Good News that we preach and spread to the world! And it is the only news that can save! 

     In a world where false messages and false hope abound,

you can find real hope here at Friendship Baptist Church, because we are committed to the solitary, life-saving message that only Jesus saves! No matter where you are in your life's journey, come and worship the Lord with us and hear about

the salvation you can have through faith in Jesus Christ alone!!! 

Blessings and peace,

Pastor Jim Fontaine

Real hope is not found in the world.

Real hope is not found in a political leader.

Real hope is not found in money or possessions.

Real hope is found in only ONE person.

Real hope is found only in Jesus Christ!

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